Saturday, November 14, 2009

meet my therapist

therapist ther·a·pist (thěr'ə-pĭst)
One who specializes in the provision of a particular therapy.

this is leslie. today we ran a half marathon. over the past few years we have trained for some races. in doing so i have found that the hours i have put into training have turned into personal therapy sessions. not that leslie is "specialized in the provision of a particular therapy" but she is a good friend who listens, laughs and has the best stories to tell. i have very much enjoyed the hours we have spent together laughing and talking and getting a great work out.


Lara said...

i'm so proud of you both. and I'm glad you have each other.

ayoungblut said...

Good job Annie! You make this Auntie proud. Way to go girl!

Grandy said...

Leslie is SUCH a great Leslie!!! I love her too!! I need someone to push me along a few miles!!!

Ashley said...

good job!
you look amazing!

Leslie said...

misty eyes...sand in the eye...eye balls sweating...whatever it is, I have to go redo my make-up. Love you.

Leslie said...

Oh yeah...excellent photo shoppe work. :)