Thursday, November 12, 2009

halloween...was that last month already?

dustin just loves to smile for the camera

if you look closely you can see madelynn and tate holding hands

part of the group we went out with

a few days before halloween, madelynn started to stress out about how we were going to do her hair. she wanted it to look just like Tinkerbell's hair. she studied the beginning of disney movies to make she i know just how to do her hair. it was so cute.

we went trick or treating with a group of friends and had a blast! madelynn was loving every moment of the night. ella totally got into it too. she was trying to keep up with the big kids, always a few steps behind. ella was a stinker and i didn't get any good pictures of her.


Chels Allred said...

oh she is such a cute cute tinkerbell! I can't wait for the excitement of halloween with my kids!

ayoungblut said...

Cute little girls, ohh and hubby too!

Ashley said...

glad I am not the only one behind!

Ashley said...

glad I am not the only one behind!

Leslie said...

Too bad you didn't get a picture of Jen's dog.