Sunday, November 1, 2009

ode to shelby

this cute girl is shelby. oh how miss madelynn loves her. {and so do i} there is not a day that go by that i don't think of this sweet girl. as many of you know madelynn has a blanket affectionately call shelby blanket. before i had ella, shelby made me a blaket for her, when madelynn saw the blanket she ran up and said my shelby blanket, and that was it, she wanted nothing to do with her baby blanket and everything thing to do with her new shelby blanket. now comes the sting cheese, at our house it's shelby cheese, because at one point or another madelynn eat sting cheese with shelby and thats what it's now called. every sunday madelynn gets so excited when we sit down in sacrament meeting, cause she knows that shelby is going to be at church and i have to point out where shelby is. madelynn asks me a few times a week if shelby can come over to play. she doesn't get that shelby is 10 and is in school all day and isn't one of her playdate friends. i always get a huge smile on my face when think of this cute girl and how my madelynn looks up to her. so thank you shelby for being the girl that you are, and for being so sweet to my madelynn. we love you miss shelby!


♥Tami said...

That's a sweet tribute to Shelby! She is such a cute, sweet girl!

Leslie said...


Yeah, thanks for not coming in the sauna today. It was me, the naked lady, and 2 grandmas.

Grandy said...

2 darling trick-or-treaters!!! Please put more Halloween pics up SOON!!!! It is such a problem to be able to only be in one place at a time!!!!!

Brian said...

I just barely saw this!! You are great. That was fun to read. Thanks.