Tuesday, December 1, 2009

family pics

we had family pictures taken by my sweet sister in law while we were in ut. it's our 1st picture we have of us four. i have been running from any one behind a camera pointing it in my direction. lame i know. the only thing that could have made the pictures better is if my girls weren't crying the whole time. funny thing how out door pictures in november in ut equals crabby cold little girls. thank you liz for taking time out of your crazy busy week to take our pictures.


Anonymous said...

OH.MY.GOSH!!!!! I love love LOVE these pictures!!! Good job, Liz =) I can't believe how big the girls are getting!! I miss you guys soooo much! We'll have a phone date soon so we can catch up! Love and Hugs!!

Your Favorite Erica =) said...

...ok, that wasn't supposed to be anonymous-oops!

♥Tami said...

They look awesome! You all look great! Glad you didn't all freeze to death!

The Richards said...


Grandy said...

Anne Marie's Mommmy says: What an amazingly gorgeous family you are!!! Your photographer is cute too!! (and sooooooo talented!) Annie-all those tread mill miles and weight pumping has REALLY paid off!!! You look wonderfully wonderful!I love these!! WOW!!!

Chels Allred said...

I love them!! You guys make such a cute cute family! Love you! You look great!

Ashley said...

I agree with your mommy. You look fit and amazing.

Sara said...

i adore the b&w of you and madelynn.

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute! You have the best family. I am so excited for you to come up again in just a couple of weeks.

Jen said...

200 E Chateau Place, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217. Thanks. I will change it on Ottcrew.

Amy said...

What a cute family! I emailed Nicole to contact you on your blog. You can find her on facebook or go to her blog also.

Nicole said...

Okay, really, your little family is adorable! I haven't seen you in, what, almost 10 years and you look the exact same! So unfair! You look great! It's good to see you doing so well.

Do you ever talk to Julie? How is she? Where is she now and what's she up to?

Sarah Mickalson said...

SO cute guys!