Tuesday, September 29, 2009

hello kitty

we were at sams club last week to pick out birthday cake for madelynn birthday party. she flipped out with she saw the hello kitty cup cakes. "mom i want that one...HELLO KITTY!" she said. i think every one in sams heard her. i didn't even know she know who hello kitty was. i made her look at the rest of the cakes...but her little heart was set on hello kitty. we had a great time at her birthday party, the high that day was 102! not to bad! i think we were all melting by the end. we were lucky to have dustin parents down from ut, it was fun to celebrate with them! madelynn told me she didn't want any presents if she could just have a pinata. i think that was every ones fav part of the party...other then dustin his fav part is the cake...no surprises there.


♥Tami said...

Super cute! The bandaids are a nice touch!

The Richards said...

So cute! I love the pictures!

Spliz said...

happy birthday to Madelynn!

Unknown said...

We had a great time! And don't forget what a hit the balloons were with the little kiddos!