Monday, October 5, 2009


this was my little conversation i had with madelynn this morning.

me: you are being extra nice to your sister today.

madelynn: ya thats cause i decided we can keep her.

me: oh really...

madelynn: ya i love her.

me: well thats a good thing.


Chels Allred said...

oh my cuteness! i love them!

The Richards said...

ha ha! That is so funny and so sweet! Those are two darling girls.

♥Tami said...

So sweet! It only took her a little over a year to decide it was ok to keep her! Return policy had expired! Both of your girls are so cute!

Unknown said...

Too Cute!!! Love the picture too.

Spliz said...

well, I'm glad that's finally settled.

Trisha said...

Your girls are so cute! I'm excited to get together!

Jenny Carlton said...

hey annie what was that online scrapbook site you use. I think I might have to give it a go email me . cute girls!!

Leslie said...

If she ever changes her mind, I would like to keep her...either one of them in fact!

Ashley said...

Glad it only took her a year to decided that. funny little girl.