Tuesday, September 22, 2009

my baby is four

it feels like yesterday... it was the morning of September 22 my mom had just gotten into town. i had to call the hospital to see what time they wanted me to come in to get induced. i was so excited to have my baby, what i heard next devastated me, they told me that they had no room, they had so many people in having babies that they were putting girls in the halls, and closets, they said it might be a few days before they could get me in. i couldn't believe this. all that day i was sad and frustrated. i went to take a nap and woke up to my phone ringing, it was another hospital saying they had room for me and to come on in. it was about 7:30 ish when i got to the hospital. i was so excited, next thing i knew it was 4:15 in the morning and i heard the best sound any mother can hear that first cry! In that moment my life changed as i held my madelynn effie! i can't believe that was four years ago. happy birthday sweet girl.


♥Tami said...

Ahh....Happy Birthday Madelynn! Hope you have a super fun party this weekend! Eat some cake for me!

Leslie said...

Happy Bday! We are excited for her party. I still remember her when we first met. She was almost a bald little baby and now look at her. Time flies and it only gets faster. Love you guys.

Ashley said...

I know! It's insane. I so miss when they were babies. Happy Birthday Madelynn.

Chels Allred said...

that was so sweet and made me so excited to deliver my baby! Happy birthday to your cute little girl!

Jess said...

Happy Birthday cute girl! Hope it was a fun one!

Anonymous said...

Sorry this post is late. HAPPY Birthday!!! I can't believe it has been 4 years! Time has gone by so fast. She is so sweet. It was meant to be that she wasn't born on the 22nd, she was being nice and saving that day for London :)