Thursday, March 4, 2010

i'm tired of showing my house.

poor miss ella keeps getting her nap cut short do to us showing our house. she has gotten used to only getting about a hour or so of her 3 hour nap. so the days i don't wake her up, she gets up on her own now after only an hour. but she needs more sleep! she keeps falling a sleep in random place!!! poor thing.


Trisha said...

Awww, so sad! So are you guys moving?

Anonymous said...

I HATED showing our house when we were selling our townhome. At least Ella will fall asleep in weird places. If London's naps are cut short then she is up no matter what.

Anonymous said...

AW! Actually that is hilarious:) I love her feet hanging off:) Of course it is sad, but I bet she is comfy... I remember being so comfy in the weirdest places... Love ya!

Amy said...

LOL! That is sooo CUTE!!!

Ashley said...

ugh! I am so glad our house sold when it did, because I was sooo sick of showing it and going mad keeping it clean. Good Luck Lady.

Jeff and Chelsi Pulley Family said...

Wow, just getting off the couch and she's OUT! That is so darn cute. I'm so sorry about the messed up nap schedule! That is the worst when my kids sleeping gets screwed up. I sure miss you guys. I told Talmage that Madeline is riding her bike without training wheels trying to tempt him to try and he said, well, she's taller than me so...and left it at that. I thought that was a funny excuse. Love ya!

Leslie said...

HILARIOUS! Crazy baby.