Friday, February 26, 2010

no training wheels

two days ago madelynn saw her friends bike parked against a house, the first thing she noticed was that there was no longer any training wheels on her friends bike. on our way home she was talking about taking her training wheels off. i told her she had to wait for her daddy to help her. just her luck dustin just happened to be home for lunch that day. madelynn ran up the stairs and demanded that her training wheels come off that moment. duistin tried to talk her into waiting until the week end. with no such luck in convincing her to wait, he went down to take them off. about a hour later she was riding her bike all by herself with no training wheels! she is one determined little girl!


ayoungblut said...

No way! Such a determined little girl...oops Big Girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow! thats awesome!! Miss you tons!

Jen said...

WOW! How old is she?!

Grandy said...

Madelynn---Grandy is soooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of you!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you lots and lots!!!!!

Amber and Dallas said...

Oh sooooo fun...very very impressive Madelynne. Although I am not surprised... she is one coordinated little girl! We finally have internet thanks to your husband =) so I am just able to catch up on all your pictures and posts...we miss you guys... I know you are in the middle of this move. But please please call if you need anything!

Leslie said...

Maybe her boyfriend will learn how now.