Friday, August 28, 2009

a new little hobby of mine

i have a new hobby scrap booking...well digital scrap booking. i have to explain my self. i am not a scrapbook-er, i have tried it, i hate it. {don't take it personal if you are a big fan of it, that's awesome, i want to be like you. i want to love it believe me i have tried to make it a love of mine} it's just me, it takes so much time, makes a huge mess, it's expensive...the list of things goes on. so i am the enrichment leader in my ward and wanted to make cute posters to hang up in rs and hand outs for the up coming enrichment's, so i downloaded cute digital scrap booking kits to try to make something out of them in photo shop. I GOT HOOKED as i was making them i thought i can do this. it's super addicting! so i have started to digital scrapbook little events going on in our life. {i'm no pro, don't think i ever will be or want to be} but i have enjoyed this new little hobby. i never thought i would be a scrapbook-er, but i love it.


Debbie said...

Now what do I do if I like doing both, regular scrapbooking and digital??

Jess said...

What site do you go to for the scrap booking!?! Cute.

Chels Allred said...

SO cute!! I should try the digital scrapbooking. I'm the SAME way with scrapbooks..i HATE it! I mostly just cant stand the mess. Maybe I'll get into this kind of stuff! so much cleaner! lol

Grandy said...

All your talents amaze me and I will happily admit to being SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!! GREAT job on the scrapbooking and the cute kid!!! -can't live without you!! Mom1

Ashley said...

Me too. Hate scrapbooking. Love the results. I have messed around with digital a little bit. I loved they started charging for some templates a few months ago and I was so bothered by it I haven't been back. I also just don't feel creative in that element.

ok. So what lens did you get!!!? I am pondering an 85mm 1.8 (no way I could afford the 1.4) What are your thoughts?

Ashley said...

ps way cute rs poster.

♥Tami said...

Love these! You are very creative!

Jenny said...

How cute I hate to scrapbook to but have always wanted to try the online. Sounds like it is a hit what website is it email me please